Whooping Cough 101 | Is Azithromycin an Effective Treatment

Symptoms of whooping cough In 2023, whooping cough cases are rising and very common in babies. Whooping cough, called pertussis, is a respiratory infection affecting...

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Symptoms of whooping cough

In 2023, whooping cough cases are rising and very common in babies. Whooping cough, called pertussis, is a respiratory infection affecting the lungs. It’s a real struggle because, in this condition, the cough is so bad that people gasp air while coughing, making a whooping sound. A common antibiotic medication prescribed for whooping cough is Azithromycin. The drug prevents bacteria from growing and helps the immune system fight infection better. When you get a sign of cold, cough, or other infections in your infant or anyone around, visit your healthcare expert for the needful treatment. For safe use, buy Azithromycin from reliable sources only.

While quite obviously coughing is the most common symptom, that’s not the only whooping cough symptom. There are phases to this condition, which are as follows

Early phase  

The initial stage lasts about a few weeks, during which the cough is hard to distinguish from a common cold or flu.

Symptoms include:whooping cough in adults

  • Runny nose
  • Slight cough
  • Fever

If any infant is suffer from whooping cough, the condition should be treated with extreme severity the symptoms may worsen and cause babies to stop breathing. If this happens, make sure to seek immediate medical attention, considering this an emergency.

Paroxysmal phase

Paroxysmal is the second stage, where people face severe coughing that is hard to deal with.


  • Usually have the whooping sound
  • It is worse at night
  • Coughing fits may last so long that people vomit
  • Symptoms may also be so strong that people may break a rib or a blood vessel while coughing
  • Symptoms persist frequently, making it hard to sleep

This phase can last up to 10 weeks, which is why whooping cough is named “100-day cough.”

Recovery phase

Finally comes the recovery stage, which may take up several weeks or months. By now, the coughing is less frequent and less severe. The lungs are still weak, though, so there is a chance of other respiratory illnesses. Getting infected again can further affect the lungs and make it longer to recover.

signs and symptoms of whooping cough in adults

Is whooping cough contagious?

Yes, whooping cough (pertussis) is highly contagious and spreads easily from person to person through respiratory droplets. When an infected individual coughs or sneezes, tiny droplets containing the Bordetella pertussis bacteria are released into the air and can be inhaled by others nearby. The disease is most contagious in its early stages, often before severe coughing fits begin, making it easier to spread unknowingly. Close contact with an infected person, especially in households, schools, or daycare centers, increases the risk of transmission. Infants, young children, and unvaccinated individuals are particularly vulnerable to contracting whooping cough. Due to its contagious nature, vaccination and preventive measures, such as covering the mouth when coughing and frequent handwashing, are essential in controlling its spread.

How To Manage Symptoms

The symptoms of whooping cough can last for about 3-6 months with irregular sleep time, dizziness and in severe case lead to a broken ribs, difficulty breathing or even death. It takes time to cure this, and over-the-counter medicines and often over-the-counter cough medicines are ineffective. 

In this case, visit a doctor or get prescribed from an online pharmacy to Buy Azithromycin UK. A few other steps to ease coughing are here-

  • Get proper rest and a healthy sleep to heal and recover fast
  • Clean up your home and free up dust-causing things.
  • Drink a good amount of water and have soups, juices, etc. to stay hydrated.
  • Do not keep your stomach full if you feel like vomiting after coughing enough.

Treatments for whooping cough

Treatment for whooping cough (pertussis) typically involves a combination of antibiotics, symptom management, and supportive care. Antibiotics, such as azithromycin, clarithromycin, or erythromycin, are most effective when administered in the early stages of the illness, as they can help reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent further spread of the infection. However, once the disease progresses to severe coughing fits, antibiotics may not significantly shorten the duration but are still prescribed to limit transmission. Symptom management includes getting plenty of rest, staying hydrated, and using a humidifier to ease throat irritation. Over-the-counter cough suppressants are generally not recommended, as they have little effect on pertussis-related coughing spells. In severe cases, particularly for infants and young children, hospitalization may be necessary to monitor breathing difficulties and provide oxygen therapy or intravenous fluids if needed. Vaccination remains the most effective way to prevent whooping cough, and booster shots are recommended for adolescents and adults to maintain immunity.

whooping cough treatmentAntibiotics

  • Azithromycin
  • Clarithromycin
  • Erythromycin
  • Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

You can buy Azithromycin online UK and other medicines at MedsForLess from the comfort of your home, knowing you will get them all delivered fast.

What happens when you start antibiotics during the early phase can:

  • Make symptoms less severe
  • Prevent someone to pass whooping cough to others.
  • Shorten the period when people are more contagious.

Outlook of whooping cough whooping cough symptoms

  • Babies younger than 1 year old are 30x more likely than adults to get whooping cough.
  • Children and adults between 1 and 20 years are 8 times more likely than adults to catch whooping cough.
  • Infants less than 1 year old can get seriously sick and whooping cough should be treated with severity in babies. Some babies may need to be hospitalized if they get whooping cough.
  • Over 10,000 cases in the UK between Jan-Jun 24.
  • Cases in quarter 2, 2024 are extremely high, exceeding the 2012 out break
  • 9 deaths in the UK infants between Nov 23 – July 23 
  • On the other hand, less than 5% of adults get sick enough by whooping cough to be hospitalized.

The bottom line

Early antibiotic treatment can help with symptoms of whooping cough, but the best way to protect against infections is by getting vaccinated. Note that antibiotic medicines such as Azithromycin are not over-the-counter drugs. We supply a prescription against each order.

For any medication, only trust MedsForLess your reliable online medicine store. Talk to our experts for medical prescriptions; the right medicines will be shipped to you after all quality checks are passed. Visit https://www.medsforless.co.uk/ to learn more.


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